.co.uk Schools | Gem Blinds Midlands Ltd
THE UK'S ONLY MANUFACTURER OF THIS UNIQUE BLIND SYSTEM   |   Advanced Integral Electrical and Magnetic Blinds Systems
Gem Blinds Midlands
Call : 0121 552 7616 Email : sales@gemblindsmidlands.co.uk
Gem Blinds Midlands ® Ltd
Health Sector 1st Choice - In Schools
Gem Blinds Midlands Schools

In Schools

Gem Blinds Midlands used in Schools are made by our
experts to be of a first class standard, and serve
multiple purposes. Whether in the classrooms,
school hallways or other school staff areas,
Gem Blinds Midlands are becoming widely
used in schools.

Whilst they look very impressive and create a
welcoming setting for parents and visitors alike,
Gem Blinds Midlands have other properties which
make them a popular choice. One winning factor is
their hygienic and easy clean properties.

Gem Blinds Midlands are a self sealed double
glazed unit, so slats cannot get dirty or dusty,
and when made with Glass express self cleaning
glass they serve to schools and hospitals alike,
to all that come in contact with them, as a
clean and healthy option.

Our various new blind ranges include our
Opaque range which are a great addition to
school kitchens and science laboratories, and
our new magnetic or electrical blinds ranges
help reduce glare into classrooms, especially
where computers are present.

All our Blinds and Glass meet safety standards,
with no cords on display, our cordless systems eradicate risk of harm or strangulation.